3D Design & Printing

Contact us at 610-797-8580 to offer this class at your location. 

3D Design and Printing is one of the fastest growing fields in technology. In this class you will be introduced to 3D printing. Using Autodesk 123D Design and its easy-to-learn interface. You will learn how to design a simple 3D objects, successfully prepare them for a 3D printer, and then observe the 3D print process. You will use imagination and creativity to design multiple objects using increasingly complex 3D Design concepts. Students will design multiple objects, and will take home one printed object.


Course Description

The goal of this course is to capitalize on the popularity of the maker movement and the rapid advancement and growth of 3D printing technology while enthralling and empowering students with the ability to carry an idea from conceptualization to digital embodiment through to physical manifestation.
Students will become literate in general computer aided design, CAD, technology and terminology, and specifically, the Autocad 123D Design 3D object creation processes and tools. They will also acquire an elementary understanding of the process of 3D printing, the function of 3D printing equipment and the role 3D printing plays (and will play) across multiple industries.

Students will become literate in general computer aided design, CAD, technology and terminology, and specifically, the AutoCAD 123D Design 3D object creation processes and tools. They will also acquire an elementary understanding of the process of 3D printing and the function of 3D printing equipment.

Students will develop literacy, math and technical skills while they solve problems and employ algorithmic thinking. They will execute successful time management while developing essential team working skills, giving them the confidence and ability to problem solve individually and as part of a team.

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