Technology has forever changed our world, and our children are getting their hands on technology as soon as their little hands can push a button or swipe a screen.
The rise of mobile devices means children can have access to learning anywhere and at any time. There are more than 80,000 applications for education written for iOS and Android device, on every subject and for every grade level from preschool through college.
Accessibility is the most obvious of the many benefits of technology education for children, but what are some of the benefits being observed in the classroom?
They’re More Engaged
Students who are engaged in their classes due to the use of technology are no longer passive learners, but ones who have an active role in the classroom. Children are able to make choices where to find information, how they will use it and how they will present it. The teacher is still ever present as a coach or a facilitator who will set goals, and provide guidelines and resources, but is no longer the center of attention as a dispenser of information.
They Get More Individualized Attention
Technology in the classroom means no more one-size-fits-all approach to education. A great advantage of today’s technology is that lessons can be personalized according to students’ needs. A teacher can track in real time the progress of individual students, allowing the teacher to focus on the student who may be struggling while others work at their own pace.
”A teacher can instantly know who is able to do the long division, and who is getting stumped, compared with having to wait to correct 30 students’ assessments,” said Tracy Gray, the managing director of the Center on STEM Education and Innovation at the American Institutes for Research, told Patch last week.
They Work Better with Teachers
Students and teachers are becoming partners in their education and technology is helping them work together for better results.
“We need teachers who are able and willing to become side-by-side learners with their students. Teachers who are not afraid to acknowledge, ‘I don’t know’, and then can turn around and say, ‘Let’s find out together,'” wrote Al Rogers of the Global School Net Foundation. “These teachers need to know how to use various technologies which can not only answer questions, but create questions as well. We need teachers who understand that learning in today’s world is not just a matter of mastering a static body of knowledge, but also being able to discover the rapidly changing ideas about that knowledge itself.”
They Build Skills for Life
Students use technology to access the Internet, enjoying the benefits of a global classroom where information is gathered and shared — one that extends beyond four walls. When students use technology they develop a number of skills for life, including critical thinking, problem solving, communication and collaboration. Technology will enhance and add to the learning experience and foster a life-long love of learning so that students can continue to develop their minds when their formal schooling ends.
At Computer Explorers, we are committed to helping students prepare for the future while having fun today. Our vision is to help children reach their full potential by using technology as a tool to engage students, enhance the educational process and prepare them for the future. We welcome preschool and elementary administrators to contact us to find out how to bring our TechStars programs into your schools. Parents are invited to use our program locator to find TechStars programs close to home.
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